Saturday, February 10, 2007

Mainstay Studio Update! 2.12.07 - Drums!!!

Mainstay Studio 2.12.07

Tracking Begins! That’s right! We are plowing our way through drum tracking...and Ryan is dominating the world with his vicious, yet sensitive drum stylings!

It’s still unbelievably cold up here, but Ry’s drumming is keeping us all unbelievably warm. That was unbelievably cheesy. I apologize.

Working late nights...eating lots of Cheez-its...playing lots of Mario Kart...tracking in the studio is not for the weak of heart! No no!

Nor is it for the weak of vehicle! We had many an automotive woe this week. We decided to take our van in to Tires Plus to get some work done, but they couldn’t get it done in time due to an error they made, so they gave us one of their trucks to use. Ok. Cool. Or maybe not. About 40 miles away, the transmission on the truck they had given us decided to quit working in the middle of the road! Cool. Thanks, Tires Plus. The only gear that SLIGHTLY worked was reverse, and so we had to drive 2 miles BACKWARDS to drop the truck at Dan’s house.

As if that wasn’t enough...Ryan’s car broke down because of the cold, and being stranded when it’s 15 degrees below zero is not a good thing!

BUT! We are persevering! Ryan is almost done with drums and Dan will be starting bass this week. What a solid rhythm section - RhythmStay. Booyah. Peace up...A town’s down.



Unknown said...

Sounds like things are going well so far! Thanks for keeping us updated. :)

Annie Get Your Gun! said...

Um, I know this will make me sound lame....but I so just learned to play mario kart a few months ago....OH SO MUCH FUN!

yaddayadda said...

Great to know! Thanks for the update! I'm excited.

Erin said...

justin...i love that you use quotes from Usher in your are hilarious!!
